Developing and Managing Innovative Direct Service Reentry Projects and Programs
Through its focus on reentry practice, PRI provides direct services to the justice involved by developing and managing inventive programming designed to foster successful reintegration for those returning to their communities, and works to provide reentry professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to support these individuals. From educational initiatives that help make college a reality for the formerly incarcerated, to pioneering techniques to support the health and wellbeing of corrections officials, PRI is experienced at identifying innovative projects that we are uniquely qualified to undertake. In all of our programming decisions, we incorporate the viewpoints and voices of directly affected individuals in the projects we choose to pursue, in the way we design them, and in how we discuss the issues and ideas pertinent to our work.
The NYC Justice Corps seeks to address the reintegration challenges of justice-involved young adults ages 18-24. Administered by PRI in partnership with the New York City Center for Economic Opportunity and the Mayor’s Young Men’s Initiative, the program seeks to instill in its Corps members a sense of civic responsibility and accountability to the communities to which they return and to tangibly improve their prospects for personal and professional success.
Making College Dreams a Reality
PRI’s Educational Initiatives promote post-secondary education as a viable path for the justice involved, providing college experiences, support, mentorship, and academic readiness programs to ensure the success of these nontraditional students. Read more about the Prison to College Pipeline, College Initiative, and the John Jay Student Initiatives’ College Experience.
Supporting Professional Development for Reentry and Corrections Practitioners
In addition to its direct services, PRI seeks to develop practitioners in the field by providing them with the latest information about best practices. Our Occasional Series on Reentry Research brings together scholars, policymakers, and practitioners for conversations about emerging research. Twice-yearly Pinkerton Symposia bring together nearly 200 practitioners to develop and enhance understanding and discussion around topics in youth justice. In association with our fellowships, we periodically sponsor other professional development activities that members of the community are invited to participate in. We are also piloting ways to support the health and well-being of corrections officials through our work with the Social Resilience Model.