Pinkerton Graduate Community Fellowship Application

The Pinkerton Graduate Community Fellowship is a 12-month program that runs from June 2019 to May 2020.

January 15, 2019Application deadline
End of January 2019Finalists notified
End of January 2019Interviews
Early February 2019Final selection notifications
Eligibility Criteria:       
  • Master’s student in Forensic Psychology or Forensic Mental Health Counseling enrolled for the entire academic year of the Fellowship
  • GPA of 3.3 or higher
  • Demonstrated interest in youth justice, direct service, and clinical practice
  • A stipend of $4,000 for the summer
  • A stipend of $1,250 for the month of January
  • Full in-state tuition remission for John Jay courses taken while participating in the Fellowship
  • An unlimited monthly metro card to cover travel expenses each month
  • An opportunity grant of up to $1000 to help alleviate financial burdens that might arise during the Fellowship
application instructions

To apply, submit your application in a single PDF document via email ( before 11:59 p.m. on January 15. 

  • A 2-3 page personal statement including: why you are interested in becoming a Pinkerton Community Fellow; what you hope to gain as a Fellow; and an assessment of your strengths and weaknesses
  • A one-page resume
  • An unofficial transcript and current degree audit
  • A letter of recommendation from a faculty member or supervisor. Recommenders must submit their letters as PDF attachments via email ( by January 15, 2019. Subject line should include: “[Applicant’s Full Name]: Pinkerton Recommendation”.