Educational Pathways
The Institute’s Educational Pathways allow students who have been involved with the criminal legal system to pursue higher education. Our programs give students ownership of their learning while recognizing that individualized support is critical to academic success. We offer a combination of college preparation, transitional support, and professional development to help students achieve their goals.
The Pathways
- Prison-to-College Pipeline (P2CP) is a college-in-prison program that allows students to begin their studies at Otisville Correctional Facility and continue working toward a degree in their communities after release.
- College Initiative (CI) is a college preparation program and community that helps students with past criminal legal system involvement pursue associate’s, bachelor’s, and graduate degrees.
- College Pathways offers credit-bearing courses at New York City correctional facilities, creating a pathway from city jails to higher education.
- HSE (High School Equivalency) Connect supports individuals ages 25+ criminal legal system involvement in earning their HSE.
Photo credit: John Jay College / Photography: Amber Gray.